Saturday, July 30, 2016


Source : thecableng
Speaking to Osasu Igbinedion, on The Osasu Show, Amaechi, who recently launched the Abuja-Kaduna railway line alongside President Muhammadu Buhari, said the rail line would make housing cheaper in Abuja.
“Listen to me; do you know that ministers, as we are talking now, some of them are squatting? We are living in conditions equal to that of most Nigerians,” he said.
The minister said Nigerians can now live in Kaduna and work in Abuja, while paying less for accommodation in Kaduna.

“For those who don’t have houses, they’re able to rent houses at a cheap cost in Kaduna as against that of Abuja. It also impacts the savings; you have disposable income in your hand. It also impacts on agriculture, agricultural produce, you can transport easily and it will impact on cost of production because at that point, you’re able to move the cargo at a cheaper cost.

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